Wednesday, December 10, 2008

300 - December 10th, 2008

Group 6

-Wonderful Psychoanalysis of different books like Oedipus Rex, Hamlet, Don Quixote, and Little Red Riding Hood.

-They did this by interviewing the different characters from the books (and Cervantes himself, who came out and had a very cool control of Don Quixote by rewriting the script and he was standing in front of him).

- Wonderful job of answering the questions afterwards about doing psychoanalysis without knowing who the author was and others like that.

Group 5

-Marxist Video incorporating Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, Marx himself, STC, Walter Benjamin, and George Lukas.

-Very good video (and editing) about Marxism and its importance in Quixote and other important works.

-Cultural criticism

-Property and economics are more important than imagination.

-The capitalist class taking control of the proletariat lowlies. (The rich critics are controlling Quixote and Panza)

-Physical existence and what we live and die for that matters.

-Went into an actual store in their outifts! :)

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