Friday, December 12, 2008

300 - December 11th, 2008

Final - Thursday, December 18th, 2008

Chris - Talked about a power he had.... his English power.

John - Read his poem that was his term paper.

Alex - Talked about how he hates the world and the people who are not English Majors.

New Criticism

Values technique. Stay inside the text it says. STC, says that one part is integral to everything within the whole.


Suggests that there is no absolute meaning to text. (Really, no absolute meaning to deconstruction either). It says there is no outside the text, creating story as we read it. *Counters the unity of New Criticism too. Says that the unity aspires to the Well Wrought Urn - Brookes. (Uses the Grecian Urn as a model, Keats's relation to unity in an urn). Deconstructors say there is no such thing as a unified whole.

Frye- "Everything is partially rhetorical and hence literary." Frye, pg 350

"Our literary universe has expanded into a verbal universe...." Frye is a deconstructionist because he says that there is no boundaries.


Reductive Feminism - How many women, was it written by women, how does it think of them. Throw it out if it doesn't work for us.

Expansive - About forces of domination, suggesting Marxism and Feminism are related, what do we understand about sexes in the text...."What type of literary text is this?"

Reader Response

Spectacles of the reader - Depending on where you come from and what your background is, you will see different things in the text. Reader response SAYS you will see not only the text in the text, but see yourself in the text. THEY see it's important.

You can't make something mean whatever you want it to mean!


Don't make fun of Freud. He has created our YOU! He created it. The truth is unseen so we'll have to look through a glass darkly. See into the mind of the author.


Says that the culture and the system around us has made us the people we have become and the class/economical status that makes up our history and our stories.

Difference between a criticism and complaint? MAY NOT BE ON TEST :)

Harold Bloom's Intro - Compares Edith Grossman as THE GLENN GOULD OF TRANSLATORS

What secret echanted thing does Don Antonio tell Don Quixote about that will reveal the truth? THE ENCHANTED HEAD

What is the English translation of Don Quixote De La Mancha? Don Quixote of the Stains

What happened to DQ in the cave? -years added to his life

Name of the Knight that defeated DQ? Knight of the White Moon

Who really was the 3 different knights? The Bachelor Sanson Carrasco

pg. 804 DQ, "To believe that the things of this life will remain unchanged is to believe in the impossible."

Frye where's the spectacles of every critical theorist. Sexson has never read a man who sees through so many different views.

pg 346 Frye. "The culture of the past is not only the memory of mankind, but our own barried life, and the study of it leads to a revalation scene.....In which we see, not our past lives, but the total cultural form of our present life."

To make it original you have to go back to the origins.

Ezra Pound: "Make it new"

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